This Lucky Sonoffabeatch

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Aug 242019

This lucky sonoffabeatch is in a threesome with his girlfriend’s mom and her mom, yes aka her grandmother.

Let’s face it, for your girlfriend to have a hot mom and a fuckable grandmother there needs to be a combination of some seriously good looks genes and on top of that they would both have needed to have had their kids pretty young so that the grandmother isn’t just outright ancient. To then, on top of that, have the occurrence of them both wanting to fuck you, at the same time and it actually happening, well that’s just too good to be true.

Which of course is exactly the case here, it’s scripted, faked… like you didn’t already know that. That said, so is all reality porn by everyone else… like you didn’t know that. Since we already know that, why are we watching it anyways? Because it is fun!

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